
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

22nd May 2024 11:56:47 Hours


Leaving a remarkable tenure in the office as the 54th Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Major General M K Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu relinquished the duties in a brief ceremony on 20th May 2024 at SLAVF in order to retire from the Sri Lanka Army.

A series of formalities were conducted in connection with the relinquishment of the appointment, commencing with his arrival to the venue. The senior officer was received by Brigadier W G P Sisira Kumara RSP, the Inspector of Training and who is also overlooking the duties as the Deputy Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Subsequently, pursuant to the military customs,the senior officer noted his thoughts and good wishes on Visitor’s Book and placed his signature to mark the indelible chapter and handing over the duties at the office of the Commandant. Later, the senior officer unveiled his portrait at his office as a souvenir. After a while, the outgoing Commandant posed for a group photograph with the staff of the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force and invited officers at Rendezvous Pavilion.

Addressing the troops, the senior officer recalled the implemented tasks during his tenure and he stated that he was instrumental in initiating Memorandum of Understanding with some civil stake holders to lease the Rendezvous pavilion as long term investment of SLAVF for the betterment of this prestigious establishment and conveyed his compliments for his successors to continue those projects. Further, the outgoing Commandant extended his gratitude to all the members of the Volunteer Force who integrated with him in realizing organizational objectives during his office.

After a while, the outgoing Commandant was accorded all rank tea by Warrant Officers and Sergeants of HQ SLAVF.

The proceedings at the Headquarters premises reached the culmination with the departure of Major General M K Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu from the office of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force amidst compliments of the Officers and Other Ranks.

The day’s proceedings reached the culmination with the customary dazzling Guest Night in an honour of the outgoing Commandant at the Sappers’ Leisure Bay Maththegoda. The evening was glamoured by attendance of the Senior Officers,their spouses and Officers with whom the Chief Guest shared a cheerful moment.

Brigadier W G P Sisira Kumara RSPthe Inspector of Training and Deputy Commandant(Overlooking) of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force made the laudatory speech to the occasion, in which he paid a glowing tribute to the service of the Commandant SLAVF as a dedicated officer cum a war hero who did the best to the country.

The day’s guest night reached its climax with presentation of mementoes to the day’s protagonist.