20th January 2025 16:50:32 Hours
Major General Lanka Amarapala RWP RSP ndc psc, Commandant (Overlooking) of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF), conducted an official visit to the 5 th (Volunteer) Battalion of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry (5 (V) SLLI) , the 2 nd (Volunteer) Battalion of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment 2 (V) SLSR, the 4 th (Volunteer) Regiment of the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps (4 (V) SLAOC) and the 1 st Sri Lanka Rifle Corps (1 SLRC) on 16 th January.
He was received with a drive-past salutation and warmly welcomed by the respective Commanding Officers at each battalion. During his visits, Major General Lanka Amarapala inspected the camp premises and addressed a cross-section of officers and other ranks at the 5 (V) SLLI.
His remarks focused on the future direction of the establishment and emphasized the mission of the government’s “Clean Sri Lanka” initiative, which has been revitalized under the leadership of the Commander of the Army. In his address, Major General Lanka Amarapala underscored the importance of the human element, emphasizing that soldiers are the most essential component of a military force. He highlighted the need for fostering discipline, emotional resilience, and physical strength among the troops to achieve the organization’s objectives.
To commemorate his visits, saplings were planted at the camp premises of the 1 SLRC and 4 (V) SLAOC. Major General Lanka Amarapala concluded the tour by leaving complimentary remarks in the Visitors’ Books of the respective battalions.
The visit was attended by the Colonel Coordinating Officer of the 11 Division, senior officers, officers, and other ranks representing the Volunteer Force and the battalions.