
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps
Seva Vanitha News

  • 2022-05-17 08:17:13

    Ordnance Corps Seva Vanitha Had its AGM

    The Annual General Meeting of the Seva Vanitha Unit of the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps, organized by the Regimental Headquarters of Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps got underway on Saturday (7). ...

  • 2022-03-21 19:06:50

    SLAOC-SVU Ladies Give Dry Rations

    Members of the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps - Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAOC-SVU) visited ‘Mawpiya Sevana’ Elders Home at Galpatha-Horana on 8th March 2022 to coincide with the International Women’s D...