
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

09th April 2023 16:32:25 Hours


Just like the example given to the world by defeating the worst terrorists in the world and rescuing the helpless civilians in the humanitarian operation, even after the war, the army soldiers dedicate themselves to the safety of the people of the country and consider every moment of life as part of their duty. On 24.03.2023 Major RHMS Rajakaruna RSP SLLI senior officer of 4th SLLI Battalion of Sri Lanka Infantry Regiment was able to contribute to such a feat.

This senior officer, who is on duty as Staff Officer II (Training) at Puttalam Army Recruit Training Center, was traveling in a bus from Puttalam to Kurunegala when a woman who was traveling in it suffered a sudden heart attack. Realizing her critical condition, the officer quickly acted and provided the necessary first aid to save her life. After that, urgent measures were taken and Anamaduwa was immediately admitted to the hospital and her life was saved.

The woman who suffered a heart attack is an officer in the division of the Kuliyapitiya regional secretariat and she was on her way home from a work assignment when she was faced with this incident.

At that time, around 60 people were traveling in the bus, and no one came forward to provide any first aid. Seeing this incident, the officer immediately made arrangements to save her life.

After calling the emergency ambulance service (1990) and knowing that it was delayed in arriving, he quickly called a friend who brought his vehicle and took her to the hospital. At that time, the doctors said that if there was a delay of 20 minutes, the woman would have lost her life or would have been in grave danger of becoming permanently ill.

We offer our congratulations to the senior officer who saved a lucky life by acting quickly and with dedication during the emergency situation, including the Colonel of the Regiment and all the ranks of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry.