
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

08th May 2023 15:39:54 Hours

RHQ SLSR enlighten environment with Blessings of Vesak

Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, Regimental Centre located in Ambepussa enlightened all hearts and minds of troops and surrounded civil communities in line with the sacred Vesak Poya day commemoration during Vesak eve.

As per instructions of the Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Colonel of the Regiment SLSR and Quarter Master General, Brigadier Chaminda Thibbotuge, Centre Commandant SLSR, staff officers and the troops organized Special Dharma oration (Deshana) on Vesak Poya day and beautified the camp premises with lanterns and decorations.

Meantime, the Headquarter Battalion of the SLSR organized a free eatery stall (Dansela) near Ambepussa railway station on Vesak Poya day. Colonel of the Regiment together with President SLSR Seva Vanitha branch graced as the chief guests of the inauguration of the stall.