
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

29th August 2022 18:34:11 Hours

SLSR Commanding Officers’ Conference Takes Up Administrative Issues

A conference on the improvement of administrative tasks for Commanding Officers of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) was held at the Mini Auditorium, Regimental Centre SLSR, Ambepussa on 28 August 2022.

The conference was presided by Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Commander Security Force – East and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR to further improve the administrative matters of the battalions in the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment.

All Commanding Officers of the SLSR attended the event and for the first time in recent history, the Council Members also attended the Commanding officers meeting. The measure to resolve administrative issues and the infrastructure development action plan also were discussed during the meeting.

Presiding, Colonel of the Regiment addressed the Council members and the Commanding Officers outlining his overall assessment of the performance of the battalions.

It was followed by interactive sessions with the Commanding Officers present, which enabled them to enlighten the Colonel of the Regiment in turn.