
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

02nd July 2022 13:35:06 Hours

SLSR Centre Commandant Visits to 8 SLSR & Training School at Beragala

The newly-appointed Centre Commandant of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala made his formal visits to 8 Battalion SLSR at Beragala Kegalle on 01 July 2022 few days after he took over duties at his office.

The visiting Centre Commandant was warmly welcomed by Major Ajith Ekanayake, Commanding Officer 8 SLSR at the entrance after a Guard Turn Out accorded with military traditions.

Afterwards, the visited Centre Commandant planted a sapling before he addressed the battalion's troops and discussed several administrative matters. Later, he visited Sinha Regiment Training School at Beragala.

Meanwhile, at the end of the Commanding Officer’s formal briefings, Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala visited and examines the living areas of the troops and agriculture sites. During the visits he discussed the future agriculture possibilities of the camp premises.

Later, he was invited to sit for a group photograph before he joined in all rank lunch which marked the itinerary of his official visit to an end. Following the traditions, some complimentary remarks in the Visitors' Book were also added before his departure.