
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

21st June 2022 07:36:04 Hours

The Centre Commandant Visits HQ Bn at RC SLSR

Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, the newly appointed Centre Commandant, Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment visited Headquarter Battalion RC SLSR at Ambepussa on 20 June 2022, his debut visit to the office.

The Centre Commandant's arrival at the HQ Bn was marked with a warm welcome by the Commanding Officer Lieutenant colonel Kamal Ganarathne and accorded a customary guard turnout. Later, the visiting Commandant planted a sapling at the Hq Bn premises to mark his visits.

The Commandant emphasized the matters on admin aspects, and operational issues of the battalion, and reviewed the welfare of the soldiers during the COs briefing.

After the Commanding Officer’s briefing, he visited the Sinha Diriya Piyasa and inspected the camp premises, and instructed the Commanding Officer to upgrade the ongoing money-raising projects and enhance the infrastructure facilities of the soldiers.

The Programme terminated with the troops address by visiting Commandant at the RC SLSR Auditorium followed by refreshment at the Pool site.

The visits of the Centre Commandant was associated by the Deputy Centre Commandant along with Staff Officers of RC SLSR.