
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

20th May 2022 18:56:20 Hours

Troops of 14 SLSR donated Nutrients & Essentials to Pregnant Women

Troops of 14 battalion of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) under 641 Infantry Brigade with the financial sponsorship of S Sri Lankani Pereira and Ms Archana Madavi Ilangakoon distributed essential accessories and nutrients to Ten (10) pregnant women in Karuwalakandal, Kachchivilamadu, Pndarawani, Widyapuram and Puliyankulam areas on 18 May 2022.

Those gift packs included nutritious food verities, and other essentials each valuing Rs.6500.00/=.

Commander 641 Brigade, Brigadier D. P. J. C Jayawardena and Major Indika Prasanna Commanding Officer 14 SLSR and troops joined the distribution of gift packs to the ladies.