
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

10th May 2022 14:46:23 Hours

SLSR Colonel of the Regiment Visits His Battalions Prior to His Retirement

Major General Kithsiri Liyanage, Colonel of the Regiment, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment visited 2nd, 3rd,7th and 16th Battalions of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR), deployed respectively in Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Bogaswewa and Vavuniya areas during 4th and 5th of May 2022.

The visiting Colonel of the Regiment was welcomed by Major Prasanna Boyagoda, Commanding Officer, 3 (Volunteer) Battalion of SLSR at the entrance of the Battalion Headquarters at Nuwara Eliya. Later, troops of 3 (V) SLSR were accorded a Guard Turnout and the Colonel of the Regiment posed for a group photograph.

Afterward, the visiting Colonel of the Regiment addressed the troops of the battalion and discussed several administrative requirements after the Commanding Officers briefing at the main Office.

Thereafter, the Colonel of the Regiment visited the 2 (Volunteer) Battalion of SLSR at Kandy where Major Sanath Gunasekara, Commanding Officer welcomed him amidst simple military formalities. During these visits addressing the troops the Colonel of the Regiment instructed them to elevate the standards of the profession while serving as soldiers and the officers of the Sri Lanka Army.

Meanwhile, he also visited the 7th SLSR at Bogaswewa, Vavuniya on 5 May 2022 where Major Janaka Perera, Commanding Officer (CO) 7 SLSR welcomed the visiting Colonel of the Regiment at the main entrance of the battalion headquarters. Troops of the 7 SLSR accorded a Guard Turnout and the visiting Colonel of the Regiment planted a sapling at the camp premises and he addressed the troops of the battalion.

On the same day evening, the Colonel of the Regiment visited 16 SLSR at Vavuniya where Major Anuruksha Sooriyabandara, CO 16 SLSR welcomed him, and troops accorded drive past Guard Turnout at the main entrance of the battalion headquarters. Thereafter, the day's Chief Guest joined sapling planting in the HQ premises before he declared open the New Gymnasium, a long-felt facility in the premises. Later, he addressed the troops of the battalion before he posed for the group photograph.

Brigadier Wiraj Wimalasena, Centre Commandant Regimental Centre, SLSR, Colonel Dulitha Perera, Deputy Centre Comandant RC SLSR and Several Staff Officers of the RC SLSR accompanied the Colonel of the Regiment’s visits.