
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

21st February 2022 20:17:37 Hours

SLSR Colonel of the Regiment Familiarizes with SLSR Battalion Troops

Major General Kithsiri Liyanage, Commander Security Force – West and Colonel of the Regiment, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment continued his battalion visits on the second day (20) and visited the 14th and 24th Battalions of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment.

On the second day of his Battalion Visits, he was warmly welcomed by Major S.I Prassanna, Commanding Officer 14 SLSR at the battalion headquarters, Puthukudiyiruppu. A customary Guard Turnout was accorded to the visiting Colonel of the Regiment.

The Deputy Centre Commandant Colonel Dulitha Perera with Regimental Staff Officers accompanied the Colonel of the Regiment to the main hall. Thereafter, the Commanding Officer conducted a formal briefing to the visiting Colonel of the Regiment. Followed by a formal troop address, he planted a sapling and posed for a group photograph.

Later, the Colonel of the Regiment visited 24 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment at Mullaitivu where Major N. T. C. S Nallaperuma, Commanding Officer 24 SLSR warmly welcomed him at the main entrance.

Several Senior Officers of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment who are representing the Field Formations of the particular areas also joined the visits. During the latter part of the visit, singing the Visitors' Book with his memories, the Colonel of the Regiment was partaking in lunch hosted by the Commanding Officer.