
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

24th October 2021 15:38:43 Hours

SLSR New Colonel of the Regiment Assumed Duties

The General Officer Commanding 11 Infantry Division, Major General Kithsiri Liyanage assumed duties as the 15th Colonel of the Regiment of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment on 11 October 2021 under the patronage of religious observances at the office of the Regimental Centre at Ambepussa.

The programme was commenced in accordance with military traditions; Major General Kithsiri Liyanage was welcomed by the Deputy Centre Commandant of RC SLSR and received the traditional guard turn out at the main entrance. Subsequently, received the salute presented by SLSR troops at the parade square. The charming and proud, dignified military Guard of Honour was reviewed by the newly appointed Colonel of the Regiment and was accompanied by the Parade Commander together with Centre Commandant in accordance with military traditions.

Later, Major General Kithsiri Liyanage in his new office placed signature in a formal document symbolizing the assumption of duties as the Colonel of the Regiment.

Major General Kithsiri Liyanage afterwards, paid floral tribute at the War Heroes Monument in memory of all those gallant Officers and Other Ranks of the SLSR who made the supreme sacrifice for the motherland.

Next, Major General Kithsiri Liyanage planted a sapling to mark this significant day followed by All Ranks refreshments arrangement hosted for him by Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess at the Regimental Centre SLSR.

The new Colonel of Regiment SLSR also appeared for a group photograph with all Senior Officers and Officers in front of the Officers’ Mess. The day’s inauguration of the new office ended with ‘Lunch’ at Officers’ mess SLSR.

Major General Kithsiri Liyanage succeeded Major General Hemantha Bandara who retired from the service a few days ago.