
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

10th October 2021 09:41:57 Hours

Retiring Major General Indrajith Bandara Accorded Military Salute

Major General Indrajith Bandara, former Director General Infantry of Directorate of Infantry at Army Headquarters on the verge of his retirement from active service after completing more than 35 years of committed service was honoured in a farewell ceremony at the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) Regimental Centre at Ambepussa on 06 October 2021.

The day’s farewell programme commenced after Major General Indrajith Bandara was saluted in a Guard Turnout on his arrival after he was welcomed by Colonel Dulitha Perera, Deputy Centre Commandant at Regimental Centre. Thereafter, Brigadier Wiraj Wimalasena, Centre Commandant at the Regimental Centre welcomed the day’s Chief Guest near the parade ground.

The Guard of Honour, presented by soldiers of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment saluted Major General Indrajith Bandara at the parade ground attaching greater importance to the day’s event. The proud and dignified Guard of Honour was reviewed by the retiring Major General Indrajith Bandara, accompanied by the Parade Commander, together with the Centre Commandant in accordance with military traditions.

Then, a floral tribute was paid to the memory of fallen SLSR War Heroes at the war memorial before the day’s Chief Guest was invited to share refreshments with all ranks.

After the main ceremony, both Major General Indrajith Bandara and Mrs Wathsala Udari Bandara were hosted to a special lunch treat at the Officers’ Mess in recognition of his service to the Army and the Regiment. The Colonel of the Regiment SLSR, Major General Hemantha Bandara delivered the customary farewell speech on behalf of all officers of the SLSR.

After the speech, a memento was presented to outgoing Major General Indrajith Bandara to mark his retirement from the Army.

Major General Indrajith Bandara was afterwards honoured in a street line farewell, attended by officers and other ranks of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment.