
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

06th October 2021 16:38:59 Hours

SLSR’s 65th Anniversary Marked Opening Accommodation & Welfare Projects

Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) marked its 65thAnniversary (Regimental Day) on 01 October 2021 with a series of events at the SLSR Regimental Centre, Ambepussa.

Brigadier Dammika Dissanayake, the Centre Commandant warmly received Major General Hemantha Bandara, Colonel of the Regiment SLSR and Commander, Security Forces - Wanni as the Chief Guest for the commemorative ceremony.

After a formal Guard Turnout at the entrance, he was invited to review the Guard of Honour and accept the salute in conformity with traditions. As melodies of patriotic songs began rending the air, the Colonel of the Regiment, SLSR as the Chief Guest for the occasion received the salute from the special dais after the customary Guard Turnout saluted him.

Thereafter, Colonel of the Regiment was invited to open the newly-constructed 2 storied Senior Officers’ accommodation building and ‘Sinha Cafe building’ in the premises after cutting a ribbon.

The Colonel of the Regiment, together with other Senior Officers afterwards paid floral tributes to the SLSR memorial in the premises and transferred merits to 3929 members who made the supreme sacrifice while defending the country’s territorial integrity.

In the evening, an all-night ‘Pirith' chanting of the Maha Sangha got underway at Other Ranks’ mess area in order to invoke spiritual blessings to the Regiment, All Ranks serving and their families and to transfer merits to the fallen War Heroes.

The ceremony culminated next day morning (2) after offering “Heel Danaya” to the members of the Maha Sangha. Senior SLSR Officers, a gathering of limited officers and Other Ranks were also present on the occasion. All events were conducted adhering to COVID-19 health guidelines.