
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

13th July 2020 19:29:10 Hours

Memories of Kokavil Siege Tribute to Their Gallantry on 30th Anniversary Day

On the direction of General Officer Commanding 57 Division, troops of 6 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment organized a ceremony at Kokavil Monument which graced by Major General Hemantha Bandara, General Officer Commanding 65 Division together with Brigadier Anil Perera,Commander 652 Brigade on 11 July 2020 to tribute and closely refreshed the memories of War Heroes who made the supreme sacrifice for defence of the famous Kokavil Transmission Tower and the Army Camp from raiding LTTE terrorists from 27 June to 11 July 1990.

The day's event, dedicated to refresh the heroic memories at Kokavil in 1990, in which Captain Saliya Aladeniya, the first recipient of the prestigious Parama Weera Vibushanaya medal made the supreme sacrifice along with 54 fellow Army personnel and 4 civil servants without surrendering to the terrorists, coincided with the 30th Annual Commemoration.

The Kokavil battle that entended for a period of 26 days of siege after terrorists surrounded the camp is regarded a memorable milestone in the fight against terrorism which also showcased the true spirits of heroism of the armed forces and their selfless dedication.

Troops of 6 SLSR organized the parade to memorize the 30th Anniversary of the Kokavil Siege.

The days programme was wind up with the national anthem and floral tribute for the fallen war heroes.