
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

23rd July 2019 18:46:45 Hours


Sing-Along Musical Entertainment which is organized by Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch under the supervision of its President Mrs Shiromi Masakorala was held at Grandeeza Hotel Negambo on 21 July 2019.

Renowned artists Mr Annesley Malawana and Mrs Corine Almeida Preformed in Sing-along with over 800 participants, the entire show was compered by legendary media personality Vijaya Corea and music was provided by the Super Chimes.

The Commander of the Army Lt Gen Mahesh Senanayake was the Chief Guest at the event and the Chief Guest was Welcomed by the Deputy Chief of Staff Sri Lanka Army and Colonel of the Regiment Maj Gen Kumudu Perera. Maj Gen Dushantha Rajaguru(Comd SF Mulathiv), Maj Gen Monoj Mudannayake( Comd FMA East), Maj Gen Laksiri Waduge(Comd SF Central) Maj Gen Rohitha Dharmasiri(DGGS-AHQ), Maj Gen Jayantha Senevirathne(AG-AHQ), Senior officers and officers who were representing other Regiment, war veterans and several dignitaries were also among the gathering.

During the Show Raffle draw was also held to select three lucky winners for free air tickets to Malaysia, Singapore and Bangkok – Thailand.