
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

23rd January 2018 15:21:16 Hours


283 newly recruited soldiers to the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) in the Army recently had their formal passing out parade (PoP) at Ambepussa SLSR Regimental Headquarters. The PoP of the 59th SLSR Recruit Course saw a special Guard of Honour plus a Guard Turnout, accorded to the chief guest, Lieutenant Colonel KithsiriLiyanage Colonel Media at Directorate of Media, Army Headquarters after he was received on arrival by the Regimental Adjutant at the Regimental Headquarters. Those new recruits after military formalities staged separate displays of drills, physical training and oriental dancing before a record gathering of about 3000 spectators including parents and family members of the recruits and other invitees. Recruit, B.M.I.S. Balasooriya (2040776) who excelled in many training, sport and different disciplines was adjudged the Best Recruit in the group.