
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

21th Battalion of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel JP Salwaturearachchipsctook over as Commanding Officer on 13th March 2010.

The Battalion redeployed in Omanthai on 30th September 2010 with the 'A' company deploying in Manikkawalawwa area providing protection to the A9 road. The other companies deployed in Omanthai, Puliyankulam, Nawakkulam, Mawaduwa, Chemamadu.

Lieutenant Colonel KGCMH Gamlath RSP took over duties as the Commanding Officer on 2nd August 2011 and he was relieved by his successor Major EMLP Ekanayake on 14th February 2014.

This Battalion is currently placed under command to the 563 Brigade of 56 Division and at present assists to resettlement process at Bogaswewa, Agbopura and Kokeliyawhere they are engaged in the construction of houses and other infrastructure facilities.

Past Appoinment Holders