
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

04th October 2023 09:47:37 Hours

The ‘Swift & Bold’ at Ambepussa Turn 67 Years

The Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR), one of the finest infantry regiments in the Army with a proven record of gallantry and bravery marked its 67th anniversary (Regimental Day) on Sunday (1 October) with several commemorative events at the SLSR Regimental Centre in Ambepussa.

Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardena RWP RSP ndu, Colonel of the Regiment, SLSR and Quarter Master General of the Army graced the occasion as the Chief Guest at the invitation of Brigadier C.S Thibbotuge, Centre Commandant, SLSR Regimental HQ who extended a warm welcome to the day’s Chief Guest.

At first, the day’s Chief Guest received the salute in the formal Guard Turnout at the entrance and was invited to review the colourful and dignified Guard of Honour parade and receive the salute in conformity with traditions.

Afterwards, the Colonel of the Regiment, SLSR together with other Senior Officers paid floral tributes to the Sinha Regiment war memorial and invoked blessings on serving SLSR members after merits were transferred to the memory of fallen SLSR War Heroes.

Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardena RWP RSP ndu was also invited to share refreshments and an All-Rank lunch organized at the Other Ranks’ Mess bringing the day’s agenda to culmination.