
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

22nd February 2022 20:49:27 Hours

Troops of 20 SLSR Processed 40,000 kgs of Organic Fertilizer Delivered for Distribution

Troops of 20 SLSR in Yala, Katharagama to hand over another consignment of 40,000 kgs of organic manure, produced by troops serving under the 20 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, on 21 February 2022 in addition to stocks they handed over to government-owned ‘Lak Pohora’ Ceylon Fertilizer Company Ltd for ongoing distribution among the farming community.

To be in line with the government’s policy of introducing organic fertilizer for cultivation and agricultural purposes, the Army has been at the forefront of producing such stocks in the past few months.

The stock, produced by the 20 SLSR of the Organic Fertilizer Project was a collective effort of all troops on the guidelines given by Major U. A Thilakasiri, Commanding Officer 20 SLSR, and its formal delivery to government authorities took place at the 20 SLSR battalion headquarters premises at Gothameegama, Yala, headed by Brigadier D. U. N Serasinghe, Commander 121 Infantry Brigade.

Several Officials at ‘Lak Pohora’ Ceylon Fertilizer Company Ltd symbolically accepted the stock on the occasion.