
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

14th July 2022 22:24:09 Hours

S/Sgt Senarathna of SLR Awarded the Best Player in Wheelchair Tennis Tournament 2022

Army Inter Regiment Para Wheelchair Tennis Tournament - 2022 held during 11-12 of July 2022 at the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment court in Panagoda, was organized by the Sri Lanka Artillery Regiment.

The teams from Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA), Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI), Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR), the Gemunu Watch (GW), Gajaba Regiment (GR), Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (VIR), Special Force Regiment (SF) and Sri Lanka National Guard Regiment participated in the tournament.

The Wheelchair tennis players of the Gemunu Regiment emerged champions in the tournament. The players of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment and the Sri Lanka Artillery teams won the second and third places respectively.

The best player of the tournament was Staff Sergeant M. M. L Senarathne of SLSR.

Brigadier H. S. K. S. S Hewage, Centre Commandant, and SLA gave away the trophies and certificates to the winners of the tournament.

The achievers of SLSR in the tournament are as follows:

Second place - Staff Sergeant M.M.L Senaratne
Sergeant W.G.J Wijesiri
Corporal S.A.S.P Weerasinghe