
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

18th January 2022 13:37:03 Hours

Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Team Adjudged Second Place in PATS Competition - 2022 Selection Process

The preparatory selection process for the forthcoming 5th International Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) Competition-2022, a joint training gesture between the Pakistan Army and the Sri Lanka Army that calls for the highest standards of physical fitness, tactical prowess, and soldierly attributes while sharing experience in the field of minor tactics and fieldcraft in overall Counter-Terrorism Scenario, is now in progress at both Infantry Training School in Minneriya and Artillery Training School at Minneriya.

PATS training was underway at the Infantry Training Center (ITC) - Minneriya from 2-11 January with the participation of 12 Army Infantry teams. There will be a special training session at Artillery Training School- Mnneriya.

During the preparatory Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) competitions held in Minneriya, the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment's (SLSR) ‘A’ team won the overall Second Place while the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) ‘B’ team was adjudged as the fourth-best. Sergeant B.A.S Pushpakumara won the best Sergeant award and the Rifleman D.C.L Leelarathna adjudged the best Private award during the event. Meantime, one officer and nine other ranks of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment were selected to represent the Army Team.