
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

23rd January 2018 15:21:20 Hours


Major General A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc assumed office as the 9th Colonel of the Regiment of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) on Friday (08) during a formal military formalities held at the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment at Ambepussa.

A guard turnout and a guard of honour was accorded to the new Colonel of the Regiment by the Regimental troops in front of large gathering of retired Colonels of the Regiment, retired senior officers, retired other ranks and serving officers and other ranks.

As a symbolic gesture of taking over the command, Major General Piyal Wickramaratne placed his signature in a formal document symbolizing the assumption of duties as the Colonel of the Regiment in the presence of senior officers, officers and the staff, after brief religious observances and lighting of the traditional oil lamp.

After that he paid tribute to War Heroes Monument in memory of all those gallant officers and other ranks of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment who made supreme sacrifice for our motherland and a sapling was planted by the Colonel of the Regiment to mark the occasion.

Thereafter, Colonel of the Regiment, senior retired officers and senior officers were participated for the tea party organized by the Warrants Officers & Sergeants\' Mess while other officers and spouses were participated for the tea party at the Swimming Pool Complex.

The Colonel of the Regiment during his address extended his gratitude to all ran