
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

29th July 2022 23:12:39 Hours

SLSR Troops Educates on ‘Export Agriculture’

On the directions of Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, the Centre Commandant, troops of the Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment were educated on ‘Export Agriculture’ by a team from the Department of Export Agriculture - Gampaha on 26 July 2022 at the Main Auditorium of the Regimental Center SLSR at Ambepussa.

Mrs. Kanchana Rathnayaka, Project Officer Mirigama Division, Mrs. Sadamali Ekanayaka Project Officer Pallewela Division, Development Officers, Mr. Sahassa Banneheka and Mrs. Rashini Senerath, delivered the lectures of the programme.

During the sessions, the participants were educated focusing on the development and research of other export crops, exclusive of tea, coconut, rubber, and cashew, which are perennial and more than 50% of their productions is exported.

Approximately 100 troops participated in the event.