
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

10th July 2020 19:43:28 Hours

SLSR SVU Organized a Culinary Workshop for War Widows

More than 60 war widows and their daughters participated in one day culinary workshop organized by Sinha Seva Vanitha Unit under the guidance of Mrs. Indu Senevirathne, President SLSR-SVU on 08th of July 2020 at Main Auditorium Regimental Centre, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, Ambepussa.

During the workshop educated all those participants on the ‘Cake Decorating & Sculpting’ to encourage on small scale business. The workshop was conducted by veteran chef and the Director of White Flower Academy of Cake Artistry Ms. Dushanthi Madanayake.

Mrs. Indu Senevirathne, President SLSR-SVU, Mrs. Rohini Dissanayake, Secretary Sinha Seva Vanitha Unit, several Army Officers and Other Ranks were also participated in this workshop.