
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

02nd January 2023 23:54:27 Hours

SLSR Seva Vanitha Members Gifts Dry Ration Packs to Civil Servants

Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch (SLSR SVB) distributed 70 plus dry ration packs among the civil Servants at the Regimental centre in the Ambepussa on 30 December 2022 coinciding with Christmas Celebration. Each dry ration pack Valued Rs 6,300 and included rice, dry fish, dhal, onion, milk powder, sugar, chilly etc.

Mrs Omila Jayawardena, Chairperson SLSR SVB together with members organized this donation programme worth of 4 lakhs under the direction of the Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Quarter Master General and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR.

The Colonel of the Regiment SLSR, Council members, members of SLSR SVB and a few officers attend the event.