
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

23rd December 2022 22:34:47 Hours

SLSR Seva Vanitha Members Entertain the Inmates at Sandella Elders coincide with Christmas

The Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch donated gift parcels and host special lunch treat for 33 elders at Danovita Sandella elders home to remark the Christmas Day on 22nd December with the participation of Mrs Omila Jayawardena, Chairperson, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) Seva Vanitha Branch and members.

Accordingly, Seva Vanitha ladies provided Delicious meals, refreshments with snacks and gift packs for the day to 33 inmates at this Elders Home together with the entertainment session conducted by the SLSR band.

This special programme was organized under the direction of the Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Quarter Master General and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR.

Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant,Regimental Centre SLSR, Commanding Officer Headquarter Battalion RHQ SLSR, Officers and a few Other Ranks attend the event