
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

13th November 2022 09:12:15 Hours

SLSR Organized Officers’ Training Day programme to Enhance the Knowledge of SLSR Officers

With the intension of widen the horizon of SLSR Officers Regimental Centre, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (RC SLSR) organized a Diners Club at Officers’ Mess, Ambepussa in the evening on 11th November 2022 under the supervision of Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant RC-SLSR.

Centre Commandant RC-SLSR warmly welcomed the Guest Seaker Major General (Retd) SG Karunarathna RWP RSP VSV USP psc to conducted a Lecture.

The lecture titled “Military and Media Relationships and Battle of EPS” attracted the audience. Following the lecture and the interactive Q & A session, all gathered at the Officers’ Mess for the entertainment session.

Major General(Rtd) SG Karunarathna RWP RSP VSV USP psc was presented a memento as a token of appreciation by Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant RC-SLSR.

Similarly, during the morning hours (11) Col HBBN Herath RSP, The Director of Media, Ministry of Defence, enlightened the SLSR Officers who participate for the training day session on the subject of ‘Spirit of Leadership’.

Mr Nagarajah Agilan, The Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Management, University of Peradeniya conducted a lecture on ‘Strategic Management of Human Resources’.

Col MMT Bandara USP psc, Assistant Military Liaison Officer, Ministry of Defence conducted a lecture on ‘Paradise on Fire Analyzing Security Paradigm in Sri Lanka’

Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant SLSR, Senior Officers, Staff Officer, and Officers of SLSR also participated in the occasion and day Program.