
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

09th March 2023 16:46:02 Hours

SLSR Inter Battalion Athletic Meet - 2023 concluded

The Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) inter-battalion athletic meet -2023 organized by 2 (V) Battalion of the SLSR was held at the Digana playground in Kandy from 04 - 05 March 2022 amid formal ceremonies.

The Chief Guest, Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Quarter Master General and Colonel of the Regiment, SLSR graced the closing ceremony of the athletic meet along with Mrs Omila Jayawardena, President Sina Seva Wanitha Branch.

Generating the glamour of new hopes to the field of SLSR athletics in the future, about 220 promising and energetic SLSR young athletes, representing all Battalions displayed their athletic prowess during the annual event of Athletics Championship comprised of track and field events that lasted for two days commenced on Saturday (4).

The championship contest reached its apex with the start of finals in 1500m, 100m, and 400m and 4 x 400m relay runs evoking a wave of enormous interest and cheering.

Athletes in the 15 (V) Battalion SLSR manifested brilliance securing first place with 198 points in the Meet while 2 (V) Battalion SLSR obtained second place with 90 points, and 4 Battalion SLSR gained a third place by obtaining 44 points.

The Chief Guest expressed happiness over SLSR’s brilliant achievements and congratulated each of them while distributing trophies and medals to the winners.

The ceremonial closing of the event followed the closing statement of the Chief Guest.

Regimental Senior Officers, several other Commanding Officers of the SLSR, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.