23rd January 2018 15:21:20 Hours
Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch in collaboration with Sinha Regiment officers & soldiers paid a visit to Mihidu Seth Medura, Aththidiya on 03rd June 2017.
It was graced by President Sinha Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch Mrs. Renuka Perera, senior members of the Sinha Seva Vanitha and members of the Sinha Regiment.
Musical events of 6 SLSR band & Army One man band with dancing events of Army dancing team were staged for the entertainment of the inmates followed by a special lunch and awarding of gift packs for 44 disabled soldiers worth of Rs.30000.00.
Afterwards President Sinha Regiment Seva Vanitha gifted Rs.20000.00 for the Art Exhibition of Mihidu Seth Medura, Aththidiya.