
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

09th February 2021 09:32:06 Hours

The Sinha Seva Vanitha Annual General Meeting - 2021

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch (SLSR SVB) which has been engaged in numerous welfare measures for the benefit of war heroes and their families was held at Regimental auditorium on 6th February 2021 on following all health rules and regulations with the participation of more than 75 Seva Vanitha members which is the maximum allowed number according to the prevailing health condition in the country.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch was graced by Major General Hemantha Bandara, Commander Security Force (Wanni) and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR as the Chief Guest along with Mrs. Shiromi Bandara, the Chairperson of Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch.

The meeting was started with the traditionally lightening of oil lamp. Two-minute silence commemorate the brave war heroes who sacrifice their life for the sovereignty of the mother land and invited to the chief guest to address the audience.

During his address Colonel of the Regiment of SLSR elaborate on the achievements that had been made in the previous year. All the projects usefully implemented and reminded the gathering of the future projects that need to be performed with equal commitment and dedication for the greater interest of all Army families.

Similarly, documentary video saw the series of welfare projects that had been carried out by the SLSR SVB in the previous year.

Later, Mrs. Shiromi Bandara, the Chairperson of Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch welcomed the distinguish Guests and the all participants.

Soon after the welcome speech, veteran lecture Mrs Ama Dissanayake, a Consultant Psychotherapist and Counsellor conducted a lecture on “positive thinking and stress management in relation to the military life and the civil life for Conduct of a good life” to the ladies attending the AGM.

Giving moral encouragement as well as a practical economic support to War Hero families, the Sinha Seva Vanitha Branch (ASVU), once again showed its motherly care and distributed scholarships to one student of War Hero family value of some Rs.12,000/= for the one-year and gave a financial care for one of daughter of war heroes family getting medical treatment for who getting treatment for neurological disease. At the same occasion financial grant for two disabled war heroes each value for Rs.50,000/= to construct their bathrooms.

During the ceremony, two differently abled students of war hero’s family and one disabled father and one disabled war hero were received wheelchairs. Similarly, two spouses of the war heroes who sacrifice their life during the humanitarian operation were received two showing machine to uplift their economy.

Members of the SLSR SVB, the Centre Commandant Brigadier Dammika Dissanayake and Regimental Staff Officers were taking part in the event.