
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

07th March 2023 16:10:35 Hours

RHQ SLSR “Riverine Cabana” Declared Open

Extracting a new welfare project to the troops of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment in Ambepussa, newly architectural designed and value-added with the natural beauty of Ma Oya bank “Riverine Cabana” was declared open by Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Quarter Master General and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR on Saturday (4).

This project was commenced with the blessings of the Colonel of the Regiment SLSR and under the supervision of Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant SLSR together with Colonel Vajira Amarasiri, Deputy Centre Commandant SLSR.

The Colonel of the Regiment marked the inauguration of value-added facilities of the “Riverine Cabana” which was a long-felt need in the cabana at the Regimental Centre eye-catching nature at an auspicious minute with a ribbon cutting.

In another gesture at the venue, the Colonel of the Regiment appreciated the works of the Officers and Other Ranks who have committed to the agriculture project and the cabana project.