
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

14th January 2023 06:19:32 Hours

Regimentation course for Young Officers of SLSR Commenced

The Regimental Centre, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment commence a Orientation module for Twenty eight newly commissioned officers who were posted to the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment after being graduated from the Sri Lanka Military Academy in December 2022 at, Regimental Centre, Ambepussa.

Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, centre Commandant of the Regimental Centre has addressed them on 4th January 2022, before they were sent to their respective Battalions.

The Regimentation Course was conducted under the directions and guidance of the Colonel of the Regiment Major General Priyantha Jayawardena. The course was designed aiming to familiarize the newly joined commissioned Officers on regimental duties and tasks before they were posted to their respective battalions. Some of the objectives intend to achieve were; to educate on history and significance of the Sinha Regiment, to enhance the knowledge on unit level administrative systems and procedures, to develop personality, to educate on battalion institutions and their functions, to develop junior level leadership, to educate on Army and Regimental customs and traditions and to familiarize with the role and tasks of a junior leader. The course will terminate on 20th January 2022.