
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

09th October 2021 17:21:54 Hours

Outgoing SLSR Colonel of the Regiment Major General Hemantha Bandara was Given a Warm Farewell

Regimental Centre troops of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment during a moving ceremony, blended with military formalities and ceremonials on 08 October 2021 bade farewell to their outgoing Colonel of the Regiment, Major General Hemantha Bandara.

The proceedings began as the day's protagonist, SLSR Colonel of the Regiment entered the premises to be saluted at a Guard Turnout in his honour. The outgoing Colonel of the Regiment was warmly welcomed and invited to the parade ground by Brigadier Wiraj Wimalasena .

SLSR troops, comprised of Regimental Truncheon presented the Guard of Honour to the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment at the parade ground.

After the parade, the Colonel of the Regiment paid floral tributes to the SLSR War Heroes' monument and joined All Ranks refrefreshment at Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess where he shared a few thoughts with the attendees. He also signed a few documents in respect of his relinquishment of the appointment in the office.

Finally, a ‘Farewell Dinner’ was hosted in appreciation of the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment and the outgoing President of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch, Mrs. Shiromi Bandara. All Officers with their spouses joined it at the Sinha Regiment Officers' Mess.

Adding memories to the occasion, a portrait of the outgoing Major General Hemantha Bandara was also gifted to him as a token of goodwill. Mrs. Dharshani Hemamala Liyanage appreciated the services of the outgoing Chairperson and presented a symbolic memento.

A few minutes later, to be in accordance with formalities, the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment moved out from the Officers' Mess.