
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

22nd January 2021 22:18:31 Hours

Outgoing 64 Infantry Division's GOC Given Farewell

The outgoing General Officer Commanding of the 64 Infantry Division, Major General Ajith Pallawela was saluted in accordance with military traditions during a formal farewell, held at the 14 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment in Mannakandal, Oddusuda on Friday (15) January 2021.

The outgoing GOC addressed the troops and thanked everyone for the generous assistance and support extended to him during his tenure. Troops of 641 Brigade and 643 Brigade participated for the troops address.

Colonel KPT De Silva, Commander 643 Brigade, Colonel DPJC Jayawardana Commander 641 Brigade and Major Athuldoraarachchi Commanding Officer 14 SLSR present in the occasion. The event culminated with the participation of respective Brigade Commanders and all offices where his invaluable service was appreciated by presenting a memento.