
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

23rd January 2018 15:21:18 Hours


The Regimental Centre SLSR organized a newly married officers\' get together on 26th October 2016 with the participation of married from year 2013 and the Col of the Regt Maj Gen MHSB Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc, Mrs. Renuka Perera, Chairperson of the SLSR - SVU graced the occasion as chief guests. Col of the regiment addressed the gathering and welcomed them to Sinha Family. The married officer s and their families entertained to a musical entertainment and a dinner. Finally presented a Couple Photographs as a memento by Col of the regiment to all invitees\' couple. Brig BAL Rathanayake Centre Commandant SLSR & Madam Rathnayake, Unit COs, Regimental Staff Officers also participated in the occasion.