
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

24th December 2022 13:06:30 Hours

The Newly-built Other Ranks’ Accommodation of HQ Battalion SLSR Vested

The newly-built Other Ranks’ Accommodation building for the headquarter battalion SLSR in Ambepussa, was vested in the Other Ranks during a simple ceremony on Friday (23), headed by Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant RHQ SLSR coinciding with the 23rd Anniversary of the Headquarter battalion (RFT) SLSR.

This building was a long-felt need for Other Ranks in the battalion and was the result of the collective efforts of Commanding Officer ,Officers and Other Ranks.

The day’s Chief Guest cut a ribbon and warmed the new building at the invitation of the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Kamal Gnanarathna.

Afterwards, the Centre Commandant joined with Other Ranks for refreshments followed by addressing of the troops for convincing the wishes of Colonel of the Regiment Major general Priyantha Jayawardena for their battalion day.