
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

08th September 2020 18:11:25 Hours

Newly Appointed Colonel of the Regiment, SLSR Takes Over Duties

Major General Hemantha Bandara took office as 14th Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) on Sunday (06) September 2020 amidst military formalities at the SLSR Regimental Centre in Ambepussa.

On arrival at the Regimental Centre Major General Hemantha Bandara was warmly welcomed near the Truncheon house by Colonel Dulith Perera, Deputy Centre Commandant and invited to review the Guard Turnout.

Later, Centre Commandant, Brigadier Dammika Dissanayake welcomed the Chief Gust at the Parade ground and accompanied him to the salute of the proud and dignified military parade presented by troops of SLSR.

Afterwards, planting a ‘Mango’ sapling in the premises to mark the event he joined an all rank tea party arranged at the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess where he shared thoughts and pleasantries with the troops and recalled his memories of the yesteryears.

Thereafter, amidst the religious blessings Major General Hemantha Bandara signed an official document to symbolize the acceptance of his new office. The Counseling members and Senior Staff Officers serving in the SLSR Regimental Centre were present at the auspicious inauguration of the new office.

After a while, Major General Hemantha Bandara paid floral tribute at the War Heroes Monument in memory of all those gallant Officers and Other Ranks of SLSR who made the supreme sacrifice for the motherland.

Setting out his scope of work and duties, Major General Hemantha Bandara addressed Officers as the next item on the agenda and outlined the importance of working as a team for the progress of the regiment, uplifting the organizational image while promoting the Sports, Training and staff work.

Later, adding memories to the event, he posed for a group photograph with the Officers present on the occasion and then all moved out for a special lunch.

Senior Officers, their spouses, Retied Senior Officers, their spouses, all staff Officers, Officers and Other Ranks were present during the ceremony.