
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

22nd September 2022 22:40:44 Hours

NCOs Training Programme Held at Regimental Centre SLSR

Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) serving as Corporals and Lance Corporals in the Battalions under the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, attended a two-day training programme on the 20 and 21 of September 2022 at the Regimental Centre, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, Ampepussa.

The training programme conducted was a concept of the Commander Security Force – East and the Colonel of the Regiment SLSR, Major General Priyantha Jayawardena in order to improve leadership qualities and enhance the military knowledge of NCOs.

Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Commandant Regimental Centre SLSR graced the opening ceremony of the two-day workshop as the Chief Guest.

A total of 100 NCOs in the ranks of Corporals & Lance Corporals participated in the programme and they were able to share their experiences during the discussions. Lectures were conducted by Lieutenant Colonel K. M. D. I. P. Kamalgoda Staff Officer I (Admin) and Major Sanjaya Senarathna, General Staff Officer II (Ops) at RC SLSR.