
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

23rd January 2018 15:21:16 Hours

Major General Boniface Perera received the salute from Tamil Woman Soldiers

The passing-out parade of 55 woman recruits, including 45 Tamil Woman Soldiers, who completed the initial three-months training in the Sri Lanka Army Women\'s Corps (SLAWC), took place at 4 Sri Lanka Signal Corps parade ground at Anuradhapura on Wednesday (18). Major General Boniface Perera was the Chief Guest of this passing-out parade.\r\n\r\nThis was the first time in the history of the Army, such a vast number of Tamil woman recruits, joined the Army in masse on voluntary basis, although the Army continues to have Tamil woman officers and other rankers serving.\r\nEndorsing the concept that Sri Lanka runs as \'One Country - One Nation\', the recruitment of Tamil woman soldiers to the Army, marked a new turning point in the history towards further strengthening of ethnic harmony, reconciliation, co-existence and broader understanding among both Sinhalese and Tamils.\r\n\r\nA drill and physical training display of those woman soldiers added colour to the occasion and the passing out ceremony afterwards, followed a mini tattoo, band displays, cultural and musical features, fireworks, acrobatics and many other entertaining features that recorded a new chapter in the Army history of recruitment.\r\n\r\nThose woman soldiers underwent training in warfare and military strategies, internal security duties, civil-military relations and non-military spheres, like beauty culture, cookery, bridal dressing etc... in addition.\r\n\r\nReligious leaders of all denominations, tri-service officers, and senior Police officers, parents of those recruits and a large gathering of people witnessed the event which was of historic nature.