
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

11th March 2020 16:49:27 Hours

Directorate of Preventive Medicine & Mental Health Services Holds Educative Lectures at Regimental Centre SLSR

One more awareness programme on ‘Mental Health & Prevention of Suicide’ was conducted by the Directorate of Preventive Medicine & Mental Health Service at the Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Singe Regiment, Ambepussa on Tuesday (10) in line with their multifarious educative and awareness programmes, being conducted for the benefit of All Ranks in the Army.

These ongoing awareness programmes, initiated on a concept of the Commander of the Army focus largely on ‘Enhancement of mental and physical well-being’. The session was addressed by Army lecturers and over 300 personnel participated in the programme.

Those lectures were conducted by Major UP Mallawaarachchi, Senior Clinical Councilor, Lieutenant NPNT Piyathilaka, Lieutenant JDUC Jayakody and Lieutenant PMTHR Wijesena of the Directorate of Preventive Medicine & Mental Health Service.