
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

21st February 2018 17:44:25 Hours

Colonel of the Regiment After Assumption of Duties Makes His First Formal Visit to 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment - (Kegalle) on Wednesday (21) accorded a red carpet welcome to the Colonel of the Regiment, Major General Piyal Wickramarathne who was making his first formal visit there upon assumption of his office.

In conformity with military formalities, Guard Turnout presented by the troops of 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment greeted the day’s Chief Guest, soon after Major General Piyal Wickramarathne arrived at the 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment main entrance.

The visiting Colonel of the Regiment was warmly welcomed by Lt Col Sumeda Rangama, Commanding Officer, 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment soon after he arrived there.

Adding memories and significance to the Colonel of the Regiment’s arrival at the 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, he planted a sapling inside the camp premises.

Colonel of the Regiment also received a briefing on the role and tasks of the 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment by the commanding officer Lt Col Sumeda Rangama.

Afterwards, he addressed the troops gathered at the 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment. Just after the troop address, The Colonel of the Regiment visited camp premises.

Towards the end of the day’s proceedings, The Colonel of the Regiment placed his signature in the Visitors’ book and left some thoughts. Lt Col Sumeda Rangama, Commanding Officer, 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment presented a memento to the visiting Colonel of the Regiment before his departure from the 8th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment premises.