
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

16th June 2022 17:22:53 Hours

Brig Nishantha Muthumala Assumes Duties as New Commandant RC SLSR

Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala assumed duties as the 24th Commandant of the Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment on 15 June 2022 during a charm ceremony held at the Regimental Centre, Ambepussa.

The new Commandant was honoured in a Guard Turnout on his arrival and ushered to the new office by the senior officers. Afterwards, amidst religious blessings, an official document was signed symbolically to mark his new office. The Security Force Commander – East and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR Major General Priyantha Jayawardena also greeted him at the office.

Subsequently, he received the salute presented by SLSR troops at the parade square. The charming and dignified military parade was reviewed by the newly appointed Centre Commandant and was accompanied by the Parade Commander together with Colonel Wajira Amarasiri, Deputy Centre Commandant RC SLSR following the military traditions.

Later, he planted a Mango sapling in the premises as a token of memory.

He paid floral tributes to the memory of fallen SLSR War Heroes and saluted their bravery.

Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks were present on the occasion.