
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

24th June 2023 10:52:36 Hours

5th Combat Convoy Company is Ready for Departure to Serve UN in MINUSMA

The 5th Combat Convoy Company (CCC), now ready to undertake UN Peacekeeping Mission responsibilities in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) before their departure from the country presented a ceremonial salute to Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army at the Regimental Headquarters parade ground of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) in Ambepussa on Friday (23).

After a Guard Turnout at the entrance, Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardana RWP RSP ndu, Colonel of the Regiment, SLSR and Quarter Master General at the Army HQ warmly welcomed the day’s Chief Guest, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage to the SLSR camp premises.

Subsequently, the Commander of the Army was ushered to the parade ground where the Parade Commander reported and requested the day’s Chief Guest to review the ceremonial parade. After a while, the Army Chief took the salute in conformity with military traditions.

Adding symbolic importance to the Sri Lanka Army’s UN assignment, the day’s Chief Guest customarily handed over the National flag, United Nations flag, Army flag, and the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment flag to Mali-bound Contingent Commander of the 5th Combat Convoy Company (CCC) as, denoting that their preparations for the UN mission are now complete and ready to undertake responsibilities.

The 5th CCC is comprised of Officers and Other Ranks of the Sri Lanka Armoured Corps (SLAC), Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE), Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC), Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR), Mechanized Infantry Regiment (MIR), Corps of Engineer Services (CES), Sri Lanka Army Service Corps (SLASC), Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps (SLAMC), Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps (SLAOC), Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (SLEME), Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP), Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps (SLAGSC) and Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG). The majority in the contingent is made up of SLSR troops.

Colonel W.W.N.P Wickramarachchi of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment commands the 5th Combat Convoy Company and Major M.A.D Bandaranayake of the Sri Lanka Armoured Corps serves as the Second-in -Command of the CCC, comprised of 243 Army personnel, including 20 Officers and 223 Other Ranks.

The Army Chief soon after the ceremonial parade addressed the CCC highlighting the significance of the overseas assignment to the Army and Sri Lanka in general and appealed all Mali-bound troops to maintain high standards of discipline and bring much-needed foreign exchange home as a national concern.

After the Commander’s speech, all the contingent members and invitees joined a customary All Rank tea where the Commander of the Army interacted with the troops and their families and shared few thoughts with them. Subsequently, Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardana RWP RSP ndu, Colonel of the Regiment, SLSR and Quarter Master General presented a special memento to the day's Chief Guest, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage.

Afterwards, adding memories, the 5th CCC, posed for a monumental group photo with the day’s Chief Guest. The Army Chief before his exit jotted down few compliments in the SLSR visitors' book at the Regimental HQ.

The 4th Combat Convoy Company (CCC) contingent already serving United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) is expected to return home shortly soon after the new 5th Combat Convoy Company (CCC) contingent takes over their duties on 1 July.

Major General W.A.S.S Wanasinghe RSP VSV USP ndu, Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General D.M.K.D.B Pussella RWP RSP, Commander Security Force Headquarters West, Major General S.P.A.I.M.B Samarakoon Hdmc Lsc, Commander, Army Logistic Command, Major General W.M.R.W.W.H.J.B Wanigasekara VSV USP, Master General Ordnance, Major General K.P.S.A Fernando RWP RSP ndu, Director General Infantry, Major General S.R.B Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, Adjutant General, Major General M.G.W.W.W.M.C.B Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, Director General General Staff, several other Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and next of kin of the contingent members participated in the event.