
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

20th December 2022 13:49:34 Hours

15(V) SLSR Emerged as Champions of SLSR Inter Battalion Volleyball Championship 2022

The Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) inter-battalion volleyball Championship 2022 finals were held on Monday (19) at the regimental indoor sports stadium in Ambepussa.

The all Battalions of SLSR Participated for the tournament and During the final tussle, 12 SLSR and 15(v) SLSR players competed for the trophy and after neck-to-neck competition 15 ( V) SLSR Players secured the Champions by defeating 12 SLSR 3/0 rounds.

Brigadier Nishantha Muthumala, Centre Commandant RHQ SLSR graced the event as the chief guest and awarded the trophies and certificates to the champions, runners - up and other players who excelled during the play.

Major General Priyantha Jayawardena, Quarter Master General Army Headquarters and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR provided all the guidance to make the event a success.

Senior Officers including Commanding Officers and Regimental Centre Staff, Officers and Other Ranks attend the event.