
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

10th March 2018 08:11:59 Hours


Brig DHMWB Thammita, Centre Commandant of Sri Lanka National Guard relinquished the appointment of Centre Commandant, amidst formal military honors on Wednesday, 07 March.

A series of formalities observed in connection with the relinquishment of the appointment commenced with the reviewing of the Guard Turn Out accorded to the outgoing Centre Commandant on arrival to the venue. He was received by Colonel KAWNH Bandaranayake USP, the Deputy Centre Commandant.

The day's events also textured with the commemoration of war heroes, taking part in a tea party organized in WOs & Sgts Mess. Subsequently, the outgoing Centre Commandant addressed all ranks, conveying his gratitude to all officers and to all other ranks for the fullest support given, for making him success during his tenure.

A large gathering of Officers and soldiers who attended the occasion included Deputy Centre Commandant, Staff officers and Other Ranks of Regiment Centre. The Guardians Family wishes him a happy retired life with the respect.