
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

04th March 2018 23:37:23 Hours


The Commander SFHQ (MLT) Major Genearal RWWADB Rajaguru RWP RSP USP ndc psc, assumed duties as the Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka National Guard on 13 December 2017, during a brief ceremony.

On 13 December 2017, in accordance with military traditions, Major General Dushyantha Rajaguru reviewed the Guard Turnout at the main entrance of the Regimental Centre. After the commemoration of the fallen heroes, he received the salute of the Guard of Honour, presented by troops of Sri Lanka National Guard at the parade ground premises at Heraliyawalawatte.

Afterward, Major General Dushyantha Rajaguru planted a Ceylon Ironwood (Na) sapling in the camp premises Heraliyawalawatte as a token of the memory of his assumption of office as the 14th Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka National Guard.

The day's events also textured with the commemoration of war heroes, posed a group photograph with all officers attended and taking part in a tea party organized in WOs & Sgts Mess. Subsequently, the new Colonel of the Regiment addressed all ranks at the auditorium of Guardians facility complex ,mentioning his pleasure to be the Colonel of the Regiment of SLNG.

Center Commandant, Senior council members, Staff officers Commanding Officers and other officers of the Regiment were presented to greet the Colonel of the Regiment including all Regimental Sergeant Majors of the Battalions.