
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

04th March 2018 23:10:19 Hours


The 13th Colonel of the Regiment of SLNG Maj Gen AP De Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc, concluded his tenure in SLNG which commenced on 13 Oct 2016, amidst formal proceedings at Regiment SLNG on 09 Dec 2017.

His visionary leadership immensely aided the Regiment to clinch many victories in the designated period. With gratitude, SLNG places on record some quintessential praiseworthy initiatives, made realized by Maj Gen Piyal Wickramaratne hereunder.

The outgoing Colonel of the Regiment spearheaded the construction of state – of – the auditorium with modern stage equipments and lighting systems. Further, the Regiment was bestowed with an all- inclusive computer laboratory, a modern library with a repository of valuable books and a reading chamber. Further, multi – facility Complex reserved an office for SLNG Seva Vanitha Branch as well.

SLNG could proudly own parade ground during the tenure of Maj Gen Piyal Wickramaratne which many perceived as a mere dream SLNG for years. This has really been a blessing for Guardians for successive Years.

The outgoing Colonel of the Regiment reviewed the guard turnout on his arrival to the Regiment on 09 Dec 2017 and was accompanied to newly constructed parade ground by Center Commandant. This was followed by a guard of honor awarded to Maj Gen Piyal Wickramarathne and the event was made important with his precious tps address as well .

Colonel of the Regiment attended the tea organized at WO’s & Sgts' mess and had a cordial chat with Guardian NCOs. Maj Gen Piyal Wickramaratne paid tribute to war hero memorial and subsequently, attended the All Ranks tea.

The night unveiled a dinner hosted in honor outgoing Col of the Regt and outgoing president of SLNG SVB, Mrs , Ruvini Sujeewa Wickramaratne. He took the opportunity to convey his gratitude to the council members ,all staff officers and for all the commanding officers who offered their maximum support during his tenure.

The outgoing Colonel of the Regiment bade adieu to the Regiment in the dawn of 10th December 2017 amidst gracious greetings of all Guardians, leaving a sigh of remorse in the hearts of Guardians Family. All the Guardians off their hats to Maj Gen Piyal Wickramaratne for the invaluable contribution rendered towards the SLNG.

May all the success with you sir