
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:27 Hours


“SLNG Colours Night – 2017” that recognizes and acclaims exceptional skills of SLNG sportspersons glittered on 29 and 30 June 2017 at North – Western Provincial Auditorium, Kurunegala, under the patronage of Colonel of the Regiment, Major General A P De Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc. SLNG Sportspersons who excelled at Army, Defense Sports Competitions and Local, International level sports events received laurels and were felicitated during this colourful ceremony which included a variety of cultural feats of high standards. The event has been organized for the first time in the history of the regiment and 295 sportsmen were awarded colours who have showcased their stupendous performances in the field of sports from 1991 to 2016. Further, A short documentary was screened on 17 unique sportsmen who have clinched international titles bringing glory and credit to the regiment and they were specially felicitated during the ceremony by the Colonel of the Regiment. The event got underway in the presence of a gathering of distinguished invitees, including Colonel of the Regiment Major General A P De Z Wickramaratne RWP ndupsc as the Chief Guest, Director General Army Sports, Major General PMR BandaraWWV USP ndupsc, Commandant Army School of Logistics, Brigadier HGI Vidyananda USP AATO Lsc and Centre Commandant RHQ – VIR, Brigadier WS Ariyasinghe RSP. On the special invitation of Colonel of the Regiment, former Colonels of the Regiment, Major General GVDUA Perera (retd)RWP RSP VSV USP, Major General AMB Amunugama (retd) KSV, Major General AC Obeysekara (retd), Major General WDLP Wickramasinghe (retd) RSP KSV, Brigadier VKB Lal Veerakoon(retd) KSV and former Centre Commandants, Brigadier JV Siriwardena(retd) and Brigadier N Bertram(retd) graced the event. Regimental Council Members including Brigadier PML Chandrasiri WWV RWP RSP, Centre commandant Brigadier DHMWB Thammita, Deputy Centre Commandant Colonel JMRNK JayamanneRWP, Regimental Staff Officers, Commanding Officers, Recipients of regimental colourrs and immediate relatives of laureates were also witnessing the day’s proceedings.