
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:27 Hours


The long awaitde need an ambulance at Regimental Centre, SLNG was materialized with the donation of a new ambulance by Dr.Arunasiri Iddamalgoda the president of GIFU - Sri Lanka Japanese Friendship Association. The grant was coordinated by Lt Col U P C K Punchinilame SLNG, the Commanding Officer of the Regimental Headquarter Battalion. The official ceremony of handing over thye vehicle for thye benefit of disabled war heroes got underway on 18 December 2016 under the patronage of Colonel of the Regiment Major General A P De Z Wickramarathna RWP ndu psc at the Regimental Centre. Charismatic Performances of Regimental Western Band and Cultural Dancing Troupe added colour to the event. Representing GIFU- Sri Lanka Japanese Friendship Association,Hon President of the sosiety Dr. Arunasiri Iddamalgoda, Medical Consultant Dr. D C Rajapaksha, Mr. Suraj De Silva, Mr. Vipula Iddamalgoda attened the event. Hon President of SLNG Sevw vanitha Unit, Mrs Ruvini Sujeewa Wickramarathne,Centre Commandant, Deputy Centre Commandant, Regimental Staff Officers and Regimental Staff were present at the occation.